Friday 2 May 2014

A taste of King's Landing

Reality check: All work and no play was making me a dull boy!

I needed to unchain myself - from my ergonomic work chair, from the colourful plastic chair at the lunch hour, from the deep-sink couch at home, and from the rigid seat of my daily bus.

Along came the Easter weekend and, an oppurtunity to shun the bore and go back to explore! It was time to touch the shores of lesser known Europe - a part of the world blinking on my radar since long.

Moments of Google maps search later, I found myself drawn to a small country sandwiched between Central Europe and its Eastern cousins - Croatia (locally: Hrvatska)

Not much later I had the wings, cover and paperwork arranged to arrive at the famous city of Dubrovnik in Southern Croatia- the city also nicknamed as 'the Pearl of Adriatic'; though Game of Thrones viewers would recognise it as 'King's Landing'!

Dubrovnik Old Town, or 'the walled city' immediately draws you with a sense of posh and grandeur. Its not a big town with almost entire town enclosed within a 2km circling wall; But one foot inside those giant, grey walls and you find yourselves on elegantly lit up streets , polished stone structures and chic piazzas.

See what I mean?

However, the true beauty of the town does not lie in its bustling street but on the grand wall which surrounds it. To show you my point, I scaled these mighty walls on foot (using public stairs) as I re-arranged my cam and hit the aerial view.

Fort Top
The Old Town
Carrot Tops
Fort Top
Panaromic Basketball Court
Over the Top!

Sublime, Splendid and Soulful ... (also notice the world's coolest basketball court - where a long throw could mean a death on the streets!)

It is no wonder G.B. Shaw once said "If you want to see Heaven on Earth, come to Dubrovnik".
Although in current economy, I may add "If you are on a budget , ignore the Heavens and look for alternatives!"

No kidding - But if G.B. Shaw was paying £4 for a pint of local beer (called Ožujsko) - his soul would have shuddered!

However after a couple of pitchers with my new local buds, and a La Liga match later - another G.B. Shaw quote struck me

"Alcohol is the anaesthesia by which we endure the operation of life

Clearly, the man had wisdom.

The only thing left now was a splash of the amazingly clear sea water of the Adriatic Sea. The gleam of green mixed with a electric blue water bed, gives the Adriatic a heavenly hue - a shade of water I had never seen earlier. Infact, a storm made it look even better!

Soon, there were no more words left but just sparkling thoughts flowing around my head as I took the plunge ....